Thursday, April 28, 2011

My favorite C & C Girls

If you have been following for even the last 6 months you will recognize these 2 dolls! I just love love every session I get with these two sweet peas. I seriously love my time with them and their mom! I cant believe how much little C has grown in the last 6 months and her big sis is such a sweet heart and so well behaved, they both make it so easy!
This session took about 4 weeks of rescheduling every week because of sick kids and weather, so we were both so excited that we had healthy kids and a bright shiny day... even if now it was to shiny lol!
J, thanks so much for sharing your little beauties with me, I adore you and your girls! What a fun morning!!

Just dying over the cuteness of her chubs and the swim suit!

Little C is learning to walk and at the end of our session she was so excited and started showing off her mad skilz!